Farragut Republican Club™

The OFFICIAL website of the Farragut (and Concord) Republican Club. The Farragut Republican Club meets the FIRST THURSDAY of each month: Dinner at 6:30 and Meeting at 7:30 in FARRAGUT at Frullati Cafe‎ (behind Farragut's McDonald's) 129 West End Avenue, Knoxville, TN 37934, (865) 288-7499 For information about membership, please e-mail membership@farragutrepublicans.com. To contact the Club's President, please e-mail president@farragutrepublicans.com

Saturday, December 28, 2013

January 2nd Meeting: Stacy Dunn, Executive Director of TN Right to Life and Jason Zachary, Candidate for Congress

Our Speakers for the Thursday, January 2, 2014 Club meeting  at Frullati Café  will be Stacy Dunn, Executive Director of
Tennessee Right To Life. Jason Zachary candidate for U S Congress, Second District will be speaking on his candidacy.

Come have your meal with us at Frullati Café at 6:30 pm and the meeting will start at 7:30 pm. Bring a Republican friend.


2014 will be a very important election year.  Do not get fooled by Republicans come lately, Republicans In Name Only (RINO), or Moderates who hide under the Republican name.  Validate and challenge the records of candidate and incumbent officials.